Meg Tilley Anderson BLOG

      "We've gotta laugh. We swapped immortality for accessories."
      -- meg tilley anderson

Friday, May 24, 2019

Icky Tick

Icky tick report:
When I placed FlirtyGirl in her crate to eat, I noticed a bump on her ear. I took her to a table and looked. It was a plump dogtick. When I was inspecting the ear I saw a rush of blood inside the tick. I put FG into her crate to eat and came back 1/2 hour later with hydrogen peroxide, paper towel a string to try the tie -and -work -out- the- tick method I saw on FB the night before. (as if she would stay still LOL!)
Back to the 'operating' table. No tick, only a mush of dead cat's ear skin I cleaned up with the HP. SO! I spent the next hour cleaning out and burning the straw bedding in FG's crate without getting any of it on my skin. 
BY THE WAY, It's really hard to get straw to burn.