Meg Tilley Anderson BLOG

      "We've gotta laugh. We swapped immortality for accessories."
      -- meg tilley anderson

Monday, January 10, 2011

I can predict the future.

I woke up this morning at 5:30. Thought it was too early to get up until I calculated (because I fell asleep on the new PBS Brit-drama) that I'd had about 7 hours of sleep. Worried a bit about the winds from the predicted ice storm bringing down the dead pine next to the house and then dragged myself out of bed because "this may be my only chance to get a hot cup of coffee before the power goes out." As I counted to five, filling the electric pot with just the minimum 2 cups of cold water, the power went out. RATS! too late!
SO DARK! Not even one tiny l.e.d. to guide me back to bed where we stayed comfortably snoozing until noon, too lazy to get up and start a fire in the wood stove in the next room. It probably helped us sleep to know we have 2 wood stoves and plenty of fuel to keep us warm in case the power stays out for days.

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